Ancient Czech City Centers
Large Drawings from Loket, Czech Republic:
$750.00 each
18 “ x 23 “ Black and white pencils on Canson colored paper
1.Energies Concentrating over the City
2.Loket from the Bridge
3.Metamorphosis Beyond the Castle walls
4.Eternal Watch before the Gate
5.Visions of the Past
6.Pilgrims entering the Marketplace
7.Pilgrimage of the Eternal seekers
8.View from the Plague Monument
9.Calling of the Dark
10.Swifts: Inheritors of the City Walls
11.The Contagion Gains Entry
12.Loket Gardens at the Riverside
13. Church from a side street in Loket
14. Flower of Decay
Large Drawings from Pardubice, Czech Republic:
$750.00 each
18 “ x 23 “ Black and white pencils on Canson colored paper
1. Metamorphoses
2. Plague Monument
3. The Contagion Seeking to Gain Entry
4. Clouds gathering over the church
5. City Center from Sasha Prokopova’s Studio Window
6. Ancient Oak at Lichnice Castle I (tall sketch on asphaltum-stained paper)
7. Ancient Oak at Lichnice Castle II (tall sketch on asphaltum-stained paper)
Small Drawings from Vimperk, Czech Republic:
$500.00 each
14” x 19” colored pencil drawings on varied papers
1. The Contagion Entering the City
2. Gathering forces over the City
3. Guardian at the Gate
4. Vortex Entering the City
5. Dragon Energies Coalescing
6. Coalescing Energies
7. Gypsy Tenements
8. Vimperk from the River
9. Vimperk Linden
10. Vimperk Factory
11. Side street in Vimperk